There are times when you need an inspirational boost. Being around other creative people is a great way to get motivated and inspired.
A couple of years ago I met with a group of friends that were fellow artists on a regular basis. We tried to meet at least once a month to do an art project and just sit and talk about our current projects.
I created this during one of our gatherings |
I miss meeting with them, but I got really busy and it was harder to make the commitment to meet. This year I am going to try to get us all together again and get creative.
Do you ever create with other artists or work in different art mediums?
The best part of meeting as a group is trying different techniques, learning a new medium, and just making the time to do something new.
A paint and paper project |
It is easy to start up a group:
• Get together people who are excited about the idea of working in different mediums and creating.
• Choose the size of your group. It can be as few as 2 - 3 people or a group as large as you have space for.
• Everyone needs to be willing to host a gathering and share an art project.
I was lucky, in my group we had a couple of art teachers and they always had enough supplies for everyone to use. I know that is not the case for everyone. To make it easier for the hostess maybe after each gathering you collect a few dollars for the hostess to get supplies for the next gathering.
This is a paint and chalk project I created |
There are so many benefits to participating in this type of group:
It stretches your creative muscle
Talking with like minded people
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otivation to stay creative
Help with ideas for a projects you are working on
We can all benefit from working with other artist, and working in different art mediums. As creative business owners we spend a lot of time alone working, and it can be lonely sometimes. Taking a break to meet with fellow artist can be very inspiring and motivating.
Put together a group today!
Do you meet with fellow artist in you area?