Do you have junk drawer? How often are you trying to find something that should be at your fingertips?
The task of removing clutter can be overwhelming. Starting with a small space can help decrease feeling overwhelmed. Once you have conquered a small space move up to larger spaces. Try the steps below for instant gratification:
Step 1: Choose a space to de-clutter
Step 2: Take a picture and print the image (having a before shot will be a good reminder of what to avoid in the future)
Step 3: Remove EVERYTHING
Step 4: Create 3 piles
- Items to put back
- Items that belong somewhere else (put away or give away right away – don’t start new clutter)
- Items to throw away or recycle (dispose of)
- Junk drawer – divide drawer into sections with a jewelry tray, cardboard cut to size, silverware tray or purchase draw divider
- Bookshelf – magazine boxes, book ends or storage boxes
- Car trunk – milk create, plastic bins, reusable bags or purchase a trunk organizer
Step 6: Using your new method of organization, replace items and take a picture!
Simplify your life by following the above steps to increase productivity and effeciency.
What ways will simplifying help you?