Here is the basic Information from the website:
You want to design a page?
If you are an artist, crafter, photographer, musician, poet... and if you promote
It is free and it is an opportunity for you to have a free publicity,
New size: 8½" x 7". Each date will be designed by a different creator and will be printed on a high quality, opaque, recycled paper. There will be 2 dates in each page, 3 notes pages, 7 address pages, 12 months pages, 1 introduction pages, 1 year pages, a 2012 page, and 7 positive message design. Total: 208 pages, with 397 different designs.
There will be also the CD version that will contain the
With the CD, you go to a photocopy center and you ask for the quantity of book you want, with the paper of your choice, the cover color of your choice, the color spiral of your choice.