
Be Inspired - Doors

Words to Inspire

“When you follow your bliss... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else.” 
Joseph Campbell

Idea to Inspire

Walk through your neighborhood and check out all the cool doors. Let their texture, colors, and shapes inspire you.

Photos to Inspire

My sister loves doors! She has photos all over her house with doors from all over the world. She is my inspiration for today's post. Enjoy these photos from Pinterest.

Source: flickr.com via Dawn on Pinterest

Source: google.es via LENCHU on Pinterest

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  1. Hey there, I love your words to inspire on this post, how very true they are! Love all the doors.

  2. One of my best friends has a whole Pinterest board of doors! I'll have to show her your post from today.

  3. I love interesting doors. There's something about them when photographed are so powerful. I actually have a framed poster of various doors from around the world in my house - it's right by the front door when you come in too :)

  4. Great pictures! Doors are very important for the look of a house. Everything must fit together.

  5. Hi Valerie, I am liking the quote you posted about doors opening almost as much as I am liking all the lovely door pics.

  6. These are beautiful, makes me wonder if what lies beyond them is also inspiring... Follow your bliss- great advice!

  7. Amazing doors! One of my friends has the same door fetish as your sister. Whenever we have travelled to Europe, she has taken the coolest door photos!

  8. I love doors! I'm glad I am the inspiration behind this post.

  9. Wow, I wish my front door looked like one of these! ;) That second one, with the polished wood, is absolutely stunning. And I just love the bright yellow one, it's so cheerful and colorful!


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