
Journal Prompt - Look Differently

Inspiration is all around us everyday. Things we see everyday can spark an idea, sometimes it just requires looking at it differently.

While reading Dana's Jewelry Design blog and her post Creativity, Where to find it, it sparked and idea for me and made me start looking at things differently.

Pull out your journal/sketchbook and read the 5 words on the list, and then answer the questions below for each item:
a flower

old book

pine cone


Paint chips

What do you think of the item?
What does it remind you of?
What could it be used for?
What would you do with it?

Once you are done answering the question and writing about each item choose one and try to come up with a way to use it in your own work or as inspiration to create something new.
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  1. I see what you mean - it sparks off all different kinds of thoughts!

  2. :) love the old book pic...I nominated you for an award..stop on over my page and pick it up..:)

  3. This is great, I look at that flower and say "ohhh I can crochet that" LOL


Your thoughts and ideas are an important part of the conversation, thanks for sharing!