
Journal Prompt - Getting Started

Sometimes the hardest part of keeping a journal is starting. The blank page can be very daunting and not very inviting to start writing.

Blank white pages were challenging for me, so I found if you decorate your pages it is easier to get your thoughts down.
Need some ideas, check out this book (one of my favorites) The Decorated Page, for easy, fun, fresh ideas, to eliminate those blank pages.

Today I have the beginning of 3 sentences you can use to get your journal started:

I feel inspired when...

One thing I never thought I could do...

I see beauty in...

Choose one or answer all the them. Once you start writing is will become easier and even hard to stop.

What holds you back from writing in you journal?

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  1. One of my goals this year is to start a journal. You are so right- the hardest part is to start! I love the idea of decorating the page- giving the journal more character and inspiring writing :) Thanks for the link!

  2. Journals are great, although mine has been neglected due to my blog as of late...

  3. Been keeping journals my whole life. (54 years!) That's alot of pages of scribble. By the way, how do I subscribe to your blog via email?

  4. Instead of a journal I use blank papers and then store them in one of my boxes but a journal is much better more organised and personalised.


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