

26 Ideas For Your Online Business

When running a business you are constantly marketing, tweaking, and working on building your business.

Today I have a list of ideas for your shop or website. Some of the ideas may be things you do on a regular basis, others may not work for you, but maybe their is one idea that will inspire a new way for you to market your shop/business.

The list is not in any order, just a list of ideas that have inspired me and my business.

• Create a contact list to send emails, newsletter, and event info.

• Add your shop/website link in you email signature.

• Always tweak your titles, descriptions, and tags to make your product show up in a variety of searches.

Keep your about page updated. As things change in you business, update your about page.

Work on you photos often. Sometimes a simple tweak can make a big difference.

• Share your marketing materials with everyone you meet.

• Find local place where you can post your business cards for free. Coffee shops, salons, your gym.

• Create an elevator speech for meeting new people and networking.

Look for offline show opportunities. Doing art/craft shows is a great way to bring in income.

• Approach shop/galleries about selling your product.

• Host an open house for your product a couple times a year.

• Share promo codes to your social media lists. Facebook, twitter, blog, pinterest... give each one their own code so you can track your sales.

• Donate items to a local charity event. Don't forget to give lots of business cards with your item.

• Have your family and friends spread the word. One year I gave family and friends free jewelry and business cards to share with their friends. I got several new customers and orders that summer.

• Create YouTube videos about your product and process.

Survey your customers to see what they need. Creating products your customers want or need will increase your sales.

• Create a variety of items at a variety of different price points. This will let your items be seen more often, and in different searches.

• Offer a free gift with purchase. It does not have to be expensive, just memorable.

• Answer customer questions quickly. Great customer service is what keeps customers coming back.

• Add new items often. It keeps you items at the top of the searches.

• Be consistent with social media. Post something daily if possible, or every few days. Keeping your name and products out there keeps you on their mind.

• Start a customer referral program.

Teach classes in your area.

• Create a small zip lock bag with your business card, a coupon code, a piece of candy, and pass them tellers, cashers, at sporting events, etc.

Always carry business cards. One easy way to remember your card is to put a few in the purses you carry most often. So if you change purses you will never forget them. Don't forget to put some in your car too.

Share your favorite marketing or business practice tips and I will add them to the list.


  1. Great list!
    Must remember to put business cards in the new bag I'm using :)

  2. Right now my biggest problem has been with keeping up with social media. There is so much out there it is all too easy to become swamped, over-whelmed and burned out.

  3. No matter how long you have been running a business, it is always great to mix things up with some new ideas. This is a great list!

  4. Terrific list, it covers the spectrum. I might add if possible, wear your product when you are out and about, even just going to the grocery, diner, or hair appt. Also, lending your items for local fashion expos/shows, etc. will get your name out there, too.

  5. So many ideas! When I first got my house and had an open house I did set up my jewelry for sale. I thought it would be fun to have an annual open house like that but 4 years later, I have yet to do it again!

  6. Excellent list! There are lots of things that you've just reminded me that I need to work on - and soon!

  7. Also, I forgot to mention that as well as the reminders, you've also mentioned some great new ideas for me too. =0) You're just awesome.

  8. So much to do! I always include a business card with each order. There is always a stack in my purse too!


Your thoughts and ideas are an important part of the conversation, thanks for sharing!