It has been awhile since I shared anything that is going on in my world, so I thought I would do a little sharing today.
April has been a crazy busy month so far, not to mention cold. I really can't wait for it to warm up, and for things to start turning green.
On a personal note:
My husband and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary last week (4/15). We made the best of the day. It was cold and rainy, and there was the awful event in Boston that made the day a little hard to enjoy, but we were very happy to be able to be together all day.
Today we are taking the 3 1/2 hour drive to our daughters college. She was nominated for a scholarship and they are having the awards banquet tonight.
We have our fingers crossed that she will win one.
I have my first show next Friday. I have been trying to build up my inventory, but it has been challenging. My husband is starting a new job, so these last couple of weeks he has been home. We seem to have a new project or place to go everyday.
The view from the window |
May is going to be busy as well, I have two shows, and my daughter comes home for a month and then we have to pack her back up as she heads back for summer school in June.
My sister and I are going away for a few days in the middle of May. I am really looking forward to hanging out with her. We rented a house on Lake Michigan with no TV, so we are just going to relax the whole time.
A few things happening on Everyday Inspired:
Watch for a week that will be all about you.
Embracing Harmony: 5 Days Creating ME Moments will be coming in May. It will be a week of ideas to find and enjoy time with yourself.
There will be a extra post each week on Saturday or Sunday, so watch out for more ways to enjoy ME Moments all summer.
If you have not considered advertising on Everyday Inspired, now is the time. It's easier then ever with I would love to have an ad for your shop or blog on my sidebar!
Etsy Shop update:
New items are going to start showing up in my Etsy shop in May. They are going to have lots of color and stones. I have been experimenting with lots of new ideas and I can't wait to start listing them. Watch out on
Facebook and
Twitter, I will list them there first.
Here are a couple of pieces recently listed in my
I have been sick for the last week and trying to get back into the swing of thing. I will be around to everyone's blogs next week.
I hope you're having a great Spring!
Do you have anything going on in your world you would like to share, I would love to hear about it in the comments!