I love to get packages in the mail.
The experience of opening the package is just as exciting as what's inside.
Why not make your packing materials and promotional pieces an important part of your brand and a memorable experience for your customers.
Here are some easy tips for creating that experience:
Your branding should be represented throughout all your package. Have your packaging materials, business cards, and thank you cards all have the same look.
Wrap your item. There is nothing more exciting then unwrapping a package, so wrap your item(s) so they feel like a gift.
Add a personal touch. A thank you note, a special quote, smile faces, something that the customer will remember, making them a happy repeat customer.
Go the extra mile. If you have to raise your prices or shipping cost a little to create a memorable experience it's worth it.
Be Unique. Brainstorm a few ideas, find your unique voice and let it come through in every package you send.
It took me a while to find my way with my packaging, but I am really happy with the results. It requires a little prep work, and I try to do a whole bunch of cutting at one time so everything is ready to go when I need it (especially during the holidays).
However your choose to package up your items, it does not have to be expensive or time-consuming, just offering thoughtful ideas with a little fun is all you need to create a memorable experience.
Have you received any memorable packages lately?