A master plan is a good place to start your new year goal planning process.
You need to know what you want, before you can create goals that will help you get what you want.
Starting a master plan not necessarily about your business, but more about what you want in your life for you and your family.
The place to start your plan is to list all the things you want or wish for. When you list what your heart desires, you will be more motivated to create goals that will help you get those things you need and want.
I have created a master plan worksheet to help you get started. click the link below to print out your copy.
You start this whole process by listing of all the things you want or wish for, for you and your family.
This list is not about your business, it's about all those inner desires that you dreamed about but have not made a plan to pursue.
Once you have that list, give yourself dates you want to achieve them. Even if those dates are in the next few weeks or years from now.
Now that you know what you want, it's time to create a list of all the ways your business can generate income. List everything, even those things you thought about but put on the back burner. This will be the list you will use to set your goals and action steps for the new year.
When choosing your goals make sure you choose one or two of those ideas that seem really challenging. If you really want to generate income this is the year you want to push yourself, so it's time for some new ideas.
Planning out your goals should be a fun process. Take your time with your brainstorming list, use color to make it interesting, and doodle around the edges to help you generate ideas. You will find that as you go through the process the ideas will start flowing, and you will have a list that inspire you to try new things.
Hang onto your list. You can use it all year long to generate ideas for expanding your business, as well as crossing things off as you achieve things on your wish list.
Do you have a lot on your wish list?
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