
Connect Online

Their are so many ways to connect on the Internet, and while visiting Julie Chats blog she shared a link to Virtual Girls' Night Out.

Every Friday night, Ann from Ann Again...and again hosts a Virtual Girls' Night Out with a great music video, a drink recipe and lot's of bloggers to hang with! Get and give tons of comments and find more followers for your blog!

Looking for something a little more low key the check out a la mode Stuffs blog for her new weekly meetup OM [one moment]. It is an opportunity to share and encourage each other to pause in our individual lives. Click on the link below for more details.

om [one moment] meet up

Also, to get to know the followers on this blog, I started a new weekly post called Check this out... You can use this post to update everyone on your shops, new items, blog posts you have written or read, a family event, whatever you want, so we can all get to know each other a little better.

These are just a few ways to connect on the Internet outside of the regular social media sites (twitter, facebook ...). Do you participate in any other ways to connect on the Internet?

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  1. I've always thought the Girls Night Out events would be fun - makes it hard when I'm in opposite time zones though!

  2. Wonderful summary of online connections. Thanks for including my OM meetup! Will be checking out the others! THanks!

  3. Thanks so much for mentioning me! I love hanging out at Ann's on Friday nights, what's really funny is that Ann actually lives on the other side of Portland from me...about 30 min away & we've only met on the internet! I just signed up to follow you everywhere I can...can't wait to check out more of your blog. Nice to meet you!

  4. Love your creative use of hardware in jewelry. I'll have to check out the Virtual Girl's Night Out.


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