

Weekend Special

All Weekend and get

Happy Friday!

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To all my blogging friends in the US I hope you 
have a wonder Thanksgiving Day !

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15 Ways to Avoid Burnout

This time of year is all about go go go! You have family obligations, shopping, cleaning, cooking, creating, and running your business.

Accomplishing anything is more difficult if you are running on empty. As you know, you accomplish more when you are rested and not feeling crazed.

Over stimulation and being over scheduled  are a recipe for burnout.

Here are some easy ways to relax, recharge, and rejuvenate during this busy time of year.

1. Take a nap
2. Take a walk
3. Visit a museum
4. Put on some music
5. Write in your journal
6. Take yourself on a date
7. See a lecture or speaker
8. Repair or mend something
9. Go through your inspiration folder
10.Work on a puzzle, do sudoku or a crossword
11.Paint something
12.Watch a funny movie - for a good laugh
13.Find a new trail to take a walk on
14.Enjoy a relaxing bath
15.Visit a park, church, or store you always wanted to visit

Whatever you decide to do take a little time for yourself this season to avoid burnout.

What do you do to avoid burnout during the holidays?
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Motivation Monday

So few muscles needed.

So little effort.

So many benefits.

Smiling brightens our faces
and lights up a room.

It can disarm

It's Never Too Late...   by Patrick Lindsay

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The Secret to Breaking a Bad Habit and Being More Productive

We all have them, those bad little habits that suck up our time and energy.

These habits don't just appear, they are developed over time and become part of the way we work.

I have a recent bad habit of playing games on my phone. I get obsessed about winning or beating my last score and don't want to stop till I do. It has really become a time sucker and on the top of my list of thing I need to change.

The good news is that with awareness breaking these habits only requires a few simple steps.

Recognize you have a bad habit or habits
Make a list of some of the bad habits you would like to change, writing them down makes them more real.

Identify how this habit negatively impacts your work
I know with my game obsession it takes away time I could use working.

Brainstorm positive results 
How would turning this habit around impact you, your family, and your work?

Break down your bad habit into steps
All bad habits are made up of a series of steps. Identifying these steps will make it easier to make the changes needed. I know for me every time I sit down I pull out my phone

Create alternative actions
Once you have the steps identified what are alternative actions you can take to avoid the bad habit. To break my phone game habit I am going to start leaving my phone on my charger base. That way I will have to get up to answer it and it will not be as handy to start playing.

Now that we have the steps to break a bad habit, it's time to break the bad habit cycle and become more productive. 

Do you have any bad habits that make you less productive?

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The Last One

It has been a whirlwind month in a half. 

I have had 6 shows in the last 4 weeks, and two of them being record breaking in sales and items sold. In one show I sold over 100 items. My world, over these last few weeks, has been all about making jewelry and setting up for shows.

I am so happy to only have one more show this November, and an easy evening show in December. I can't wait to get back on a regular schedule, and to get around to visiting everyones blogs!

Next week I will start back on my blogging schedule, so be on the look out for a few new posts. 

November Special
During the month of November Wednesday's are going to become the NewFriday 
Who say's the best sales are on Friday 
Shop my Etsy shop on Wednesday's this month and get 25% off your entire purchase
Use coupon code NEWFRIDAY

New items this season
Coming soon
Bead Wrapped Washers
Double Bar Necklace
Stud Earrings
What's keeping you busy this season?

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Motivation Monday

Listen to Your Heart

Our world is loud, fast and chaotic.
We need time to pause.
To look around us.
To hear our heart.
It knows things your mind can't understand.
Take time out.
Freeze frame your daily life.
Be open to your heart.
Listen to it.

It's Never Too Late by Patrick Lindsay

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Don't Forget the White Space

I don't know where the time went, but the holidays are here again and it's that time of year our calendars start filling up.

We have our creative work like craft shows, online sales, and marketing, as well as all the things we do to prepare for the holidays.

It is important to remember to make time for yourself by adding some "white space" to your calendar. A small block of time to relax, read, and do those thing you never give yourself time for this time of year.

So, as you are planning your next couple of months, don't forget to add in some daily "white space" just for you. 

Do you have a full calendar during the holiday season?

Share this Self-Love Saturday tip to your social network.
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Who Keeps You Accountable?

As an entrepreneurs you have to hold yourselves accountable for getting your work done and achieving your goals. You also take care of all the nuts and bolts of your business like accounting, marketing, and all the creating.

When things get tough, or challenging to complete it can be easy to put those things that are not enjoyable on the back burner, because no one is going to tell you that you have to take care of it now.

Here are three tips to make yourself more accountable and guide you to achieving your goals:

Decide what you need to accomplish - Set you priorities and your objectives

Write everything down - write down your goals and your action steps or tasks. This gets you ideas out of your head and helps you get them into action.

Tell three people - This makes your plan real and motivates you to follow through.

Set completion dates - When you know what your tasks are and when you want them done you are more likely to do them.

Now you have a plan that will make you work to reach your goal. 

Try this: Create 3 goals for your holiday sales. Write them down and create a plan, tell a few people about them to help hold you accountable, and give yourself dates to achieve them as motivation.

This is the perfect way to start your holiday season, and be accountable for achieving your sales goals.

Have you set your goals for the holiday season?

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