As an entrepreneurs you have to hold yourselves accountable for getting your work done and achieving your goals. You also take care of all the nuts and bolts of your business like accounting, marketing, and all the creating.
When things get tough, or challenging to complete it can be easy to put those things that are not enjoyable on the back burner, because no one is going to tell you that you have to take care of it now.
Here are three tips to make yourself more accountable and guide you to achieving your goals:
Decide what you need to accomplish - Set you priorities and your objectives
Write everything down - write down your goals and your action steps or tasks. This gets you ideas out of your head and helps you get them into action.
Tell three people - This makes your plan real and motivates you to follow through.
Set completion dates - When you know what your tasks are and when you want them done you are more likely to do them.
Now you have a plan that will make you work to reach your goal.
Try this: Create 3 goals for your holiday sales. Write them down and create a plan, tell a few people about them to help hold you accountable, and give yourself dates to achieve them as motivation.
This is the perfect way to start your holiday season, and be accountable for achieving your sales goals.
Have you set your goals for the holiday season?
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