
Five Ways to Energize your Business

It's the time of year when business is not the only thing on your mind.  You want to spend more time out and less time working.

Here are five ideas to help you keep working even when you don't feel like it.

Focus on your passion - If your spending your time doing things you don't enjoy, it's time to come up with some creative ideas and inject a little creativity in your business projects.

Work with people you love - Invite family members or kids to your work space and let them create along with you.

Find ways to bring joy to your work - Redecorate your work space, walk around barefoot, or listen to your favorite music. Incorporate things you love into your space and your day.

Invest in yourself and your plan - Even on a tight budget, spend on things that will help grow your business. Invest in e-books, online classes, research new ideas in books from your library, or magazines

Show yourself some love - Don't forget to take breaks, have some play time, and celebrate your successes.

Working does not have to be all work and no play.  Enjoy your work time and love what you do!

What have you done for your business lately?

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  1. These are great ideas. I would add work outside. Its a nice way to take advantage of a beautiful day and to change my environment.

  2. I change it up! My office has no windows and very bright flourescent light (which is great for working with detail) but I love to go to the dining room and use the table next to the 2 enormous windows as a workspace. It's also the only place I can photograph my items. Music is almost always on, too! Taking a walk or a drive around the campus where we live is refreshing and inspiring. I highly recommend taking your breaks around people and/or nature. :)

  3. Love #3 - I do all of those things! "Redecorate your work space, walk around barefoot, or listen to your favorite music."

    ...our house is constantly being rearranged, I walk around barefoot all the time (love it!) and my music is constantly on. Music is amazing. ;)

  4. I stopped stressing about it! I found some other things to play with aside from my store items and when I started that I came up with new ideas for the store!

  5. I agree with Pamela. I'm going to start working outside once it gets nicer out, at an outdoor coffee shop down by the lake. I figure it's a great way to get out of the house, some exercise (because it takes pry 15 minutes to walk there), and a decent amount of exposure of people walking by. And LOTS of people go there.


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