A few weeks ago we talked about the different type of journals in the post Journal Styles. Each one serves a different function and can help with your creative process in different way. Why not start a photo journal, it can be a visual record of your various types of inspiration.
You don't need a special camera for this a disposable will work just fine. The main point is to take pictures of intersting textures, unusual details or general scenic shots to help you retain the flavor of your inspiration source.
To get the most out of your photographic experience, try these ideas for your interesting pictures.
♦Concertrate on things the naked eye usually takes for granted. Such as shadow, pattern, or the true shape of an object.
♦Create interesting views by focusing on the background and blurring the foreground.
♦Use your view finder to isolate interesting subjects and experiment with close up and far away shots.
♦If you want accurate detail shoot at midday or with the sun to your back. Want something more abstract shoot into the sun.
♦Want to study light and dark take your picutes in black-and-white.
Once you start your collection download them on your computer and print hard copies. Keep your hard copies in a book, something you can refer to often for inspiration, and have your computer download for backup.
Take your camera with you everywhere, you never know when inspiration will strike, be prepared so you can have that source of inspiration forever.
Journal Prompt - Look through some of your favoite photo's and create a list of one thing from each photo and how it makes you feel. Do you see a theme? Design something based on that theme.
I love this idea and will probably start one as soon as I get my new camera!