

A New Season

It's always a little exciting when the fall and holiday season start.  This is the time of year I like to start new things and challenge myself to reach new goals.

I am thrilled to share with you a few changes that will be happening over the next few months. 

♦ I am excited to announce that I have added 2 new regular blog post contributors. 

  • Kim from Kzdesign will share a DIY tutorial with you twice a month. 

  • Pam from Open Space will be back doing a monthly post with tips to simplify your work and life.

Look for their new posts starting in September!

I am looking for additional contributors. If you have an idea for a monthly post and would like to write for Everyday Inspired contact Valerie at

♦ Don't forget to share in my monthly post Check This Out (usually mid month). It's a great way for each of us to get to know each other better and updated everyone about what's happening in your shop throughout the holiday season.

♦ I will also have guest posts from Etsy artists sharing what inspires them. Look for the monthly Artist Inspiration posts, starting in September.  

♦ Looking for a place to advertise, look no further. Everyday Inspired is now offering advertising spots at a new low rate.  I also have a special offer for September - December. Click here for more details.

♦ As I mentioned in yesterdays post I have set a goal for myself to make 100 sales in 100 days, and I would love to have you join me.  Look for all the detail in the September 6 blog post!

Lots of new and exciting things happening this season, I hope you join me on the journey.

Do you have big plans for the fall and holiday season?

If you have any ideas or suggestions for Everyday Inspired, I would love to hear from you. Contact Valerie at


  1. What wonderful additions to your blog! I look forward to each contributors' post! ~Val

  2. I cannot wait, I'm already working on a few posts! :)

    <3 Kelly

  3. Wonderful! Great additions and I can't wait to see them. Not that I am wishing for fall, just yet. :)

  4. Now that sounds like quite a few exciting changes! Although i am new to your blog i enjoy the thought you put in your posts and have had fun with each of them.

    I can't wait for everything to start coming alive, DIYs and advice from so many people.

    My big plans for the near future have to do with the development of my interests and style of writing. Nothing fancier than a steady and firm development!

  5. Wow, that's great Valerie! What wonderful changes to come. You remind me that I need to get back to the series posts I do on my blog, and I think you'd wanted to contribute to my Project Inspiration ones and I've sort of canned them for my busy summer. Will start doing it again this fall!

  6. Ooh, sounds like you've got a lot of exciting stuff going on! I bet you're looking forward to it all. :) Good luck with the 100 sales in 100 days thing! :D


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