

10 Random Thing to Know about Me

Every month I do a posts called Check This Out as a way for each of us to get to know a little about ourselves and our businesses.

Today I thought I would share a little more about myself so you can get to know me a little better.

~ I enjoy cooking and creating interesting meals
~ I am addicted to books on CD.  I listen to them everyday
~ I love magazines of all kinds, but especially art magazines
~ I like to sew, but I don't do it as often as I want
~ I love to travel by car
~ I hate to clean the house and I only do it when I have to
~ Creating is part of me, it's what makes me happy
~ I love books, I have almost 200 books in my collection
~ I like action movies
~ Fall is my favorite time of year

I would love to get to know you a better, what do you want to share?


  1. I love to cook too. When I want too though LOL

    Who likes to clean???


  2. I'm attempting to start cooking, and so far I like it! :) But one thing about me, I like to meet new people from all over the world! And I really want to go to Italy! :)

    <3 Kelly

  3. Great post. Cooking interesting meals is so fun. Expecially when trying Indian, Thai and other ethnicities! Fall is my favorite season too. New England just lights up with vibrant hues! ~Val

  4. Thanks for sharing everyone.

    Kelly I would love to go to Italy too. Actually I could think of several countries I would like to visit.

    Val how lucky you are to live in New England! I bet fall is truly amazing.

  5. What fun, I love random facts that let me know a blogger better! I love to cook too and it's a good thing since living the way we do requires tons of it! However, I dislike riding in the car very much, love to read and adore creating. Today in Ct the weather feels like a warm fall day, you'd love it, I'm soaking up every second, knowing the heat and humidity will be back soon enough! :) Thanks so much for sharing! :)


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