
Motivation Monday

Recapture the Wonder

Chase back through the years.
Remember that sense of wonderment you had as a kid:
that driving curiosity, that wide-eyed thirst for knowledge.
It's still there.
Sometimes it's buried under responsibilities.
Sometimes it's dulled by setbacks.
But it's still in you.
Release it.
Embrace it.

Now Is the Time by Patrick Lindsay

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  1. Beautiful. The words and the image!
    Thank you.

  2. It's still there for me. If I have a question about anything I'm on google so fast. Multiple times a day.

  3. Watching a grandchild grow up brings it all back for me.

  4. True! To be in awe like a child. I do that when I see gemstones!

  5. I love, love, LOVE this! Awesome post for this Monday. =0)


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