
Motivation Monday

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  1. very true! I'm trying to let go of my fear of time.. and not procrastinating, it can be so hard sometimes!

    <3 Kelly

  2. How clever! We should get going regardless of fear indeed. Yes, the time will pass anyway... I am loving it, thanks for sharing!

  3. This is great wisdom, so simple it's not thought of in this way. TFS!

  4. Love it! It is SO true too. Thanks for the great reminder!

    Stopping by via Etsy!

    Stop by anytime and be inspired!


  5. I love this - it's so true. I hate that when you don't jump in and do things that take lots of time, then, when the time has passed, you kick yourself because it could have been done already. Always jump in and do it!

  6. So true Valerie! The fear of how much time something will take or thinkging it's not the right time, either way it's procrastinating!

  7. so true! love this.
    time goes too fast, and if we don't accomplish anything it is a shame.

  8. That's a really good quote to keep in mind, thanks! :)

  9. That's a great quote, and I will admit that sometimes huge jobs overwhelm me. Once I get started I'm usually okay, but often the sheer amount of time involved in a certain project makes me run the other way! ;)


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