

Be Inspired by the Colors of Fall

Words to Inspire

“How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.”
John Burroughs

Idea to Inspire

Monday's post has a list of the hot colors for fall 2010. Use one or all of the colors in your art work this week and let the color be your inspiration.

Photo's to Inspire

I found a wonderful Flickr collection of pictures showcasing some of the fall 2010 colors. These pictures are full of wonderful color, texture, and style, I hope they inspire you to find a new idea.

GoldenIV / Basket by faerietail

coloring - autumn reds by Yorktown Road

Scrumble Purple - Roxo Misturado by marcecampos

coloring - dark teal by Yorktown Road

Cushion - 365 Day in Colour Challenge - grey by denimay


  1. Oddly me texture is very inspirational! Color is striking, but texture grabs you and sucks you in.

  2. Love the autumn red and dark teal! The colours in fall are so warm and rich, probably my favourite time of the year!

    (Also, you should check out to sell on - it's completely free!)

  3. I am a colour girl but I'm starting to get the feel for textures.

  4. ooooo... lovely colors and textures!! Thank you for sharing!


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