
Business Tip Tuesday - Take Charge of your Business

Why are we waiting?

Why do we complain about waiting?

We all want our business to grow at the speed of light and to make more money than we can spend. Sometimes we have to step back, look at what we have, and figure out what we need, to get where we want, by ourselves.

We don't need to be on the front page of Etsy, or featured on a blog, or even magazine or TV coverage. All we need is a positive attitude that we will get there, and amazingly things will start to happen.

I read a great post on BlogHer called Are You Waiting for Someone to Save You? Take a few minutes to check it out. Also make sure you check out the comments, they are full of interesting stories and ideas.

I also have to work at staying positive, but it's a quality we need to practice everyday for growing a thriving and successful business.
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  1. thanks for the tip. i'll check out the article. i'm guilty of being my worst enemy! i'm afraid to put things out there because i fear rejection. i appreciate such a positive tip.

  2. Stay positive!!! yay!! even though sometimes it can be difficult, it makes life in general a lot more pleasant. I try to keep myself that way.. of to see your link. Thanks!!


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