

Discuss Your Business

I have a friend who I meet with regularly to talk business. We are in completely different businesses. She is trying to grow her business locally and I work mostly online. I enjoy this time together, bouncing ideas off each other and talking about strategies for growing our businesses.

Last week when we got together we had a great conversation about some different directions my friend could take her business. By the end of the conversation she had discovered that their are certain aspects of her business she did not want to pursue and others projects she wanted to do more often. This will change the focus of her business and she was feeling really good about her new direction.

How often do you take time to strategize about your business with another business owner?

As I found out last week, taking the time to discuss your business and plans for your business can help you see your business in a new light. It can give you the opportunity to come up with new ideas and direction.

Plan a date with a friend in business or someone you know who has a business. Plan on a productive visit by having a list of questions ready to ask, being ready to share information about your business, and taking notes of all the ideas you discuss. Even if the ideas that don't apply to your business, you may find that they are helpful when you review your notes later.

Don't miss out on an opportunity to talk about your business because you don't have time to meet. You can also do this same type of meeting via email, Skype, or IM. 

Plan to meet monthly or at least quarterly. The more opportunities you have to talk with someone about your business the more information you will gain to help you grow your business.

Do you have someone you meet with regularly to discuss business?

This Friday May 4 ~ A One Day Only Giveaway ~ Just for my followers


  1. the members of our local Etsy team do this regularily, it's really helpful to discuss goals with others, put them out there and then discuss!

  2. My husband has an MBA - although he's in software we discuss business all the time. It is great to have his input, and of course I like to put my 2 cents in on his business dealings too :)

  3. I am part of a wonderful team on Etsy and my mom is great to bounce ideas off of :)

  4. As you probably know I haven't had much time to read my favorite blogs lately, but I've had you on my mind! I've been thinking about this series on business that you're doing and couldn't wait to do some catch-up! I do not have anyone I discuss business with, but I often have conversations with myself! ;) I try out new ideas, play around with things often to see where I want to head. Too bad we don't live closer, I'd love to bounce ideas around with you Valerie. ;)


Your thoughts and ideas are an important part of the conversation, thanks for sharing!