

Motivation Monday

Creative Goddesses make art because it fills them up with joy and light.

Creative Goddesses believe mistakes are sacred and add to an artwork’s story and perfection.

Creative Goddesses aren’t afraid of making art that doesn’t Look Good.

Creative Goddesses don’t make art for others, they make art for themselves.

Creative Goddesses make art that is true for them.

Creative Goddesses don’t need no stinkin’ outside approval.

Creative Goddesses make art that doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s.

Creative Goddesses trust in their intuition and vision to make *their* art as it is needed in this world.

Creative Goddesses listen to their soul’s calling.

Creative Goddesses dip their fingers in paint.

Creative Goddesses know the power of soulful creativity.

Creative Goddesses remember that every person on this planet is an artist, a Creative spirit, a soul who needs love, joy, creativity, laughter and connection just as much as water and food.

Creative Goddesses do it messy. And gladly. And reverently.

Creative Goddesses share their art when it is right for them, and hold on to the medicine of their art when it is right for them.

The Creative Goddess is inside you.

She is inside each of us, everywhere, all the time.

We only need a moment to hear our own grace and magnificence.
The Goddess Guide Book - Creativity, Soul &Business for Women
Leonie Dawson is the creator of, a popular creativity, spirituality & business blog for women. Visit her website at & grab her free Goddess in 10 Minutes Kit!


  1. Great words! I have friends who feel they are not creative, but I always tell them that everyone is and they just have not found their outlet yet!

  2. Well, Valerie, thanks for the validation of my being one of many Creative Goddesses. Love the post.

  3. I love this! It's a nice affirmation to print and read to yourself from time to time!

  4. This is fabulous!! I especially love the first one, and this one ~ "Creative Goddesses remember that every person on this planet is an artist, a Creative spirit, a soul who needs love, joy, creativity, laughter and connection just as much as water and food." I totally believe that. I must admit I struggle with some of them... I'm way too hard on myself and expect near perfection in my work. I'm working on that though... ;)


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