

Check This Out...

This is a monthly post where you can share 3 things about yourself or your business. Giving us an opportunity to get to know each other and our businesses.

Suggested ideas:
-business goals or goals you have met
-books you are reading
-a new project you are starting or doing
-places you have visited
-blog posts you have enjoyed
-a post you have written that you would like to share
-new items you have added to your shop
-new materials you are working with
-family plans or an event you are excited about
-need help with an idea - ask for help

All I ask is that you are a follower of my blog to participate and that you check out a few links from the other people who leave comments.

Let me know if you have any suggestions,  ideas or questions.  You can contact me at


  1. I guess I'll start it off for today:

    - My 43rd birthday is coming up and I'm excited about getting my facebook friends to donate to charity instead of just saying happy birthday. I'll see how much can be donated.

    - My first nationally published pattern is coming in October and I'm sooooooooooo excited!

    - I'd like to share this post on getting relevant on Etsy

    Thanks for this and have a great day!

  2. Sadie Happy Birthday, I hope you get a lot of people to make donations. Congrats on your pattern coming out! Will it be in a magazine? Thanks for sharing that post, lots of good information, I have been working on changing all my titles and tags for weeks, it's a big job. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi everyone,

    I have been adding lots of new items to my shop lately with lots more to come. I am working hard to build my inventory for the 4 shows I have coming up in the next couple of months.

    I am excited about parents weekend at my daughters college at the beginning of October. We are going to spend a couple of day and I can't wait to see her.

    I am in the process of ordering mailing supplies for holiday shipping, and I am looking for bubble envelopes at a really good price. Anyone have any suggestions?


  4. Valerie, I got a bunch of mailing tubes at Super duper cheap, I bet they have good prices on bubble mailers too.

    As for me, I have a new guy in my life, and I'm pretty excited about it :D

    I'm starting to really like working mornings. I've been pretty consistent with blog posts so far since the beginning of the month.

    I've got most of my ideas for my new shop stuff hammered out, now I just have to wait for the money to get everything and I will be on a roll!

    PS one sale so far!

  5. I love reading about everyone - So nice to get to know new people. Well, 3 totally random and slightly off list things about me...I'm a big supporter of small, handmade and family business and try to debut fantastic business finds via my blog...

    My business goal was originally to make a full time salary comparable to my government job within the first 3 years - It's only been 11 months and I've almost met my 3 year business plan...

    I've been trying to incorporate raw organic apple cider vinegar into new products. I'm obsessed with the unbelievably amazing results in hard water.

  6. kzieglerdesign, how exciting to have a new guy in your life, enjoy every moment. It sounds like you are working hard and I am looking forward to seeing all your new items. Congrats on your sale, I am sure more will follow.

    Everything Soap Blog, I am a big supporter of handmade and small business its always nice to read about different business via your blog! Congrats on almost making your goal and in 11 months that amazing.

    One more thing I want to share - blog contributor Kelly Tang has her first fashion post tomorrow stop by and leave her a comment.

    Thanks everyone for sharing today.

  7. Hey everyone!

    Sedie: Happy birthday! Having people donate to charity is awesome, I hope you were able to encourage a lot of donations. :) Congrats on the pattern!

    Valerie: Good luck with the craft shows! I bet you'll sell a ton of jewelry. :) Have a good time at parents weekend - I bet that'll make for a great few days!

    Kim: Very exciting about the new guy, I hope things work out great for you! :D And I'm glad you're enjoying your work schedule. :)

    Courtney: Congrats with your business goal! That's awesome. And good luck incorporating apple cider vinegar!

    As for me...

    1) I'm currently reading "Handle With Care" by Jodi Picoult. It's my second Jodi Picoult read, and I'm really enjoying her novels! Since my mom's got nearly every Jodi Picoult novel there is, I'm going on a Picoult marathon. :)

    2) I'm planning to participate in NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month - this November. It's an annual online event when writers try to write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days. Wish me luck!

    3) I just read a good article in the most recent issue of Newsweek called "Texting Makes U Stupid" that talks about how America's teenagers text so much and read so little that our country's literacy rate is dropping. It's an interesting read, and I definitely recommend it. You can find it online here:

    Taylor Lynn <3

  8. Taylor Lynn, thanks for sharing that link to the Newsweek article, it was very interesting. I hope you enjoy your Jodi Picoult marathon, and I am glad to hear you decided to participate in NaNoWirMo Good Luck!

  9. Thanks, Valerie! And I'm glad you enjoyed the Newsweek article; I actually liked it so much it partially inspired an essay. ;) I hope to post the essay on my blog soon, keep an eye open for it!


Your thoughts and ideas are an important part of the conversation, thanks for sharing!