

Day or Night

My Mom goes to bed around 2:00 am or later every night. She always calls me late at night and wants to chat on the phone, when I am getting ready for bed.

She gets up after 11:00 am, and is pretty crabby if you call her before then.

My Mom is a night person. 

I personally like to get up early and get my day started right away. By mid afternoon I am starting to think about what I am going to make for dinner, maybe watch on TV, and how I can finish up what I am working on quickly.

I know if I don't get most of the things I need to get done early in the day, then I tend to find excuses for putting things off until the next day.

I am a day person.

Are you a day or night person?


  1. You mom sounds like my hubby, and you sound like me! I am way more productive in the morning, and conk out before midnight. Hubby is not clear in the head until after noon, and stays up 'till the wee hours of the night.

  2. I'm definitely a night person. I was up till like 3am last night, and didnt get up till around 10 (still tired, but needed to get up) :P I don't work until 1pm at the earliest, and I like to take my time getting ready in the morning (not that it takes forever, but I like to space it out).

  3. I used to help out this old lady who would go to sleep at about 5 or 6 in the morning, and wake up around 2 or 3 in the afternoon--So I guess you could say she was a morning person, so long as you're talking about the wee wee hours of the morning.

  4. Day! I get up around six every morning and go to bed around nine each night. :) If I sleep over someone's house and stay up late, I'm usually still asleep by eleven or twelve. ;) That's just the way things work with us - my family starts school at seven or seven-thirty, so we HAVE to get up early. And in order to get up at six and not be crabby, I HAVE to go to bed at nine. ;)

  5. I am a total night person. I would never have any time to myself if I wasn't. My internal clock developed out of necessity rather than desire. I cannot relax until I know the rest of the household is asleep and in dreamland. Only then am I able to let go of the day and concentrate on my art the way I want to.

  6. I'm definitely a day person. I can wake up really early and get everything I need to get done by 10am. If I wake up anytime after 9am I feel like I've wasted my morning.

  7. Day all the way. I like to get up early and get things done. In fact, I have a hard time sleeping in on the weekends because I feel like I need to seize the day.

  8. Night person from the heart, but day person from the choice. I just have much more better ideas in the morning, but like to stay late ...

  9. I am more like your mum ..I like to stay really really late .. but it is not wise.. after that .. half of a day is lost .. an they say that going to bed before midnight is good for you :) hmm I did not manage to do that again .. it is 00:25 here :P

  10. I think I'm definitely in between the two. Some days I'm literally falling asleep at 10 or 11 and other days I'm up til 2 am. It just depends on what mood I'm in and what's going on :)

  11. This is an interesting question. I'm definitely a night person. Society is however not on our side. It causes a lot of problems… But the later it is the more creative I get. I long for the night all day long!

  12. Great post - I'm a little of both. I am a 'wake up perky' morning person. I enjoy my day and am full of energy to the point of annoying. But, the kids go to bed around 9:00pm and it's on! It's my time to play on the computer, watch my favorite 'not kid approved' shows - I might get up as early as 7:00am and say up as late as 2:00am. So bad but I still wake up feeling like a million dollars.


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