

Be Inspired - Vacation

Words to Inspire

“If the road you travel has no obstacles - it leads nowhere”

Idea to Inspire

On your next trip down a road you have never traveled, take photos of all the inspiring sights you see.

Photos to Inspire

Last week's idea to inspire was to journey on a road you have never traveled. Last weekend my husband and I did just that and took a mini adventure around the state of Michigan. We had the opportunity to visit Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. Here are a few photos of our journey by the lakes.

My favorite shot - from the car window 
I love rocks

I loved watching the waves come a shore
My husband and I on the beach
My little dog watching the waves 

I enjoyed the opportunity to get away and feel re-inspired for a successful fall and winter season.


  1. Lovely photos! Huron is gorgeous, I've been before...many, many years ago. I love get aways like always does leave you feeling refreshed.

  2. Found you through The Everything Soap Blog. I'm looking for more good blogs to follow. Love the blog. I'm following!

  3. Lovely and very inspirational indeed.

    Taking photos is THE excuse we have for going anywhere. No wonder we ended up with 5000 photos after 14 days on the road... Pathological cases, both of us.

  4. What beautiful photos!!! Your dog is adorable! ~Val

  5. It's a great idea to go somewhere you've never been and take photos! You caught some fantastic shots... I especially love the one you got out the car window, and the one of the goldenrod on the shore. It looks and sounds like you and your husband (and your dog!) had a lovely time!


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