
Motivation Monday

Back Yourself

It sounds so simple.
But it requires great faith.
Against all the doubters, the detractors,
the risks of failure and the self doubt,
believe in yourself.
If you don't back yourself.
Don't expect others to.
If you have the confidence in yourself,
so will others.

It's Never Too Late... by Patrick Lindsay

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  1. Great words to start the week with! What a stunning photo.

  2. Confidence in myself. I wish. Last night I tried to start my Art Fire store and already ran into a problem saying that Tahoma Beadworks is invalid or already taken. So I searched their stores for that name and nothing came up.

  3. Very true! If you don't think it's a good idea first, then nobody else will.

  4. Beautiful words to start the week with, and to hopefully end the week with as well!


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