

DIY Friday - Start a Garden

I have one of those yards with lots of trees and is mostly shade, so I plant my veggies in the containers. Since I have been on Piterest I have found lots of great ideas for growing healthy and strong plants. Today I am sharing some of my favorite gardening ideas, so you too can have a fruitful garden.

Gutter Garden
pallet garden

No cost garden tools

Huge list of things you can grow in containers
Pest and disease remedies from things found in you home
I hope these ideas inspire you and your garden. What will you be planting this year?


  1. I love the gutter garden-- no stooping or bending.

    I have my packets of seeds, but since we had SNOW this week, and below freezing temps again last night, I won't be planting them for a little while :-(.

  2. We've already planted out tomatoes!! We always have an herb garden going (luckily year round here in So Cal) and this year we are trying our hand at some squash too. We recently got our first asparagus after waiting a very long time. :-)

  3. I'll be planting my butt in the produce dept of Stop & Shop b/c I. Don't. Garden.

  4. I am definitely no gardener. I'm even terrible with indoor house plants! But, hubby does like to garden. Last year we had awesome peppers for salsa!

  5. great ideas!! I'm just forever trying to keep the deer out of the garden

  6. I don't garden, but I love to frequent the local farmers markets.

  7. I love that hanging gutter idea! It is much easier to work on the plants when you don't have to get on the ground. These days I am just keeping up with what I new plants.


Your thoughts and ideas are an important part of the conversation, thanks for sharing!