

Motivation Monday

Give Back

Consider the good things in your life:
family, friends, loved ones, achievements.

We have so much for which we should be grateful. 

Whenever you can, return the favor:
give something back.

Support your community, or school,
or those who helped along the way.

They'll be validated and encouraged.
You'll be gratified.

Now Is the Time by Patrick Lindsay


  1. So very true!! And what a gorgeous photo!

  2. Beautiful image and inspiring thoughts.

  3. Yes, my belief is that I should give in order to receive. And indeed the feeling when you do give without expecting anything in return is awesome!

  4. I give a lot of my handmade stuff away in appreciation and I also donate pieces for charity auctions whenever possible.

  5. This is great motivation for Monday and any day of the week. Giving back truly gives you a sense of accomplishment that is priceless. I love community service in all forms! =0)

  6. Blogger ate my earlier comment! I love this picture! It is gorgeous! but your words say it all - great post

  7. Giving back just feels good!! I love that photo!

  8. Wow, stunning image! Great way to start the week.

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