

Join The Conversation...

Join The Conversation is a series, of community conversations about inspiration, creativity and business. Every new post will have a question and responses from bloggers in our community. Then, you the reader, will have the opportunity to answer the question in the comments. I look forward to having you Join The Conversation!

What single experience has transformed your business?


Cynthia from Antiquity Traveler - For me, probably the most influential has been joining the blogosphere. Talking to other artisans has encouraged me to consider other options or angles to making jewelry or how I go about selling it. But even more so... joining all the various bead 'hops' has pushed me to try new things. We have a saying at our office (my day job) where we start meetings saying 'let's get uncomfortable.' Which means if we're comfortable then we're doing things the same old way and not trying anything new. But to explore new areas and learn new things you have to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. So I might moan a bit about trying something new because I'm a perfectionist, and I hate when my piece looks wonky. But I wouldn't be trying all these new techniques, and pushing my creativity without having met all of you out there blogging. And for that, I am so grateful.


Duni from Duni's Studio - Although I've had a number of pivotal experiences concerning my business, the one that made the most impact was a remark a client made about my professionalism. It boosted my confidence in such a way, that I took the plunge and started selling my own clothing designs internationally. It still amazes me that people from Singapore to Sidney wear my designs!


LeAnn - Pounderings -My involvement in Etsy teams has been the single experience that has helped me transform my business from a floundering "Lost In the Crowd" shop with less than 10 sales, to a growing and evolving shop with steady sales.

I'd especially like to thank the leaders of the Lost In the Crowd, Etsy Success, Baby Boomers and Blogging Business Artisans teams.

Each team has its own personality, but each provides a sense of community, challenges, information sharing, promotional opportunities, and, most importantly, support and encouragement.


Sharon from Knot Cha Cha - No one single experience stands out for me. That I even have an online business is the result of so many different jobs I had throughout my career which gave me a variety of skills. I am still searching for that one thing that will transform my business to a higher level.


Now it's your turn to answer the question. Share your answer in the comments.


  1. It's so great to read these stories :)
    My experience that transformed my business (and my life) was the purchase of my laser. It opened so many doors for me and took my business to a whole new level! Best investment by far!

  2. Like Duni, I am amazed that I have become an "international entrepreneur". Almost 10% of my sales are outside the US.

  3. So fun to see how everyone answered the question!

  4. I love this question and reading everyone's answers! It is a difficult one to answer though. I think for me it was the moment I realized that my business can become my full time career!


Your thoughts and ideas are an important part of the conversation, thanks for sharing!