

Inspiration From Land to Sea

“At first a small line of inconceivable splendour emerged on the horizon, which, quickly expanding, the sun appeared in all of his glory, unveiling the whole face of nature, vivifying every colour of the landscape, and sprinkling the dewy earth with glittering light.” 
- Ann Radcliffe

Goodnight landscape painting by MaiAutumn
Landscape painting pink sky reflection by VictoriaVeedell
October Hills California Autumn by MarshNelsonFineArt
Art print Cityscape series by SilkByLena
Landscape painting by RozArt
Landscape  Painting Beach by ShirleyArt

All of today's art work is from Click on links to see what each artist has to offer.

Are you inspired by landscapes?


  1. Oh absolutely! I was very much influenced by the mountains and dramatic scenery of the Pacific NW when I lived there. Now that I'm back in coastal Massachusetts, my crafts are incorporating shells, sand, stones and beach glass.

  2. I love that pink sky painting...we had a pink sunset last night :)
    And the beach looks great!

  3. Wonderful pics so calming and inspirational.

  4. What beautiful art work. I think nature, in its entirety, is inspiring. Whether it's a mountain, a desert-scape, a sunset or a hawk circling overhead in a crystal, blue sky, nature's beauty has a way of touching our soul.

  5. Wonderful words of inspiration. I love all the paintings for today's post, especially that 2nd one and the last one. Just beautiful.

  6. These paintings are all so beautiful! Landscapes are so inspiring. Being able to take a moment to gaze at a beautiful landscape is always a precious moment of bliss!

  7. Very pretty. I believe many forms are art are inspirational and creating can be a spiritual experience.

  8. The purple is my favorite. I love the vivid colors here. I'm frequently inspired by landscapes.

  9. The Goodnight Landscape is so peaceful! I would happily fall asleep with that in our bedroom.

  10. The artwork is beautiful. I don't think I as much inspired by landscape art, but more destressed by all that visual glory.
