

DIY Friday - Unexpected Flowers

This time of year it is not as easy to get the flowers for displaying in your home or for yourself. Why not get creative and make your own flowers from some unexpected materials.

Duct tape flowers
Egg carton flowers
crystal flower
straw flower
doily flowers
Orange peels
What is your favorite unusual material to create with?


  1. Those orange peel flowers must smell so good :)
    Love the egg carton flowers - very creative!

  2. Clever uses of unexpected materials.
    I've seen some cute rick-rack flowers, but have not tried that technique yet. I tend to stick with fabric.

  3. The egg carton flowers are very pretty! I saw some fun duct tape flowers when I was at the doctor the other day.

  4. My 11 y/o cousin makes awesome tape flowers. I'll have to get her to teach me sometime!

  5. Neat ideas! I love the egg carton ones so much!

  6. It's crazy what you can do with duct tape these days (and the colors!), love the orange peels idea too! Happy Friday!! ♥

  7. The orange peel ones are wonderful!

  8. They're all cool, wonder what happens to the orange peels.

    The only weird thing I used was beer bottlecaps for magnets or pendants.

  9. We just posted my daughter's duct tape flowers on Monday. =0)
    I want to try those egg carton flowers - so fun! And the orange peel flowers would make a great table centerpiece.
    Thanks, Valerie! Happy Friday to you.

  10. The egg cartons are really cool. And I bet the orange flowers smell great as a center piece!

  11. I will be saving all egg cartons from now on!! Those are beautiful!

  12. What a great mix of materials! I didn't know that you could make roses out of orange peels.

  13. Fabulous flowers! Those orange peel flower are so neat and must smell amazing.


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