

Nightly Ritual

I have a nightly ritual I created for myself to help me wake up less stressed and ready to start my day.

Every night I get in the bed with my notebook and I make a list of all the things I want to get done the next day, and any ideas that came to me throughout out the day.  

This process helps me sleep peacefully, because my mind is clear and I know I have a good plan for the next day. 

I recently added a couple extra steps to my process, a few drops lavender to my pillow to help my mind relax and some quite music to sooth my spirit.

These rituals have really made me a morning person, and when I wake up I am ready to get my day started.

Do you have an evening or morning ritual that inspires you?


  1. I love it too when my bedroom smells good. I have some fragrance oils and put some drops to the candle house or the evaporator. In wintertime I love scents with cinnamon, orange and of course lavender.

  2. I also write a list for the next day each night, and write in my Gratitude Journal. The lavender is a great idea.

  3. I love your ritual. I don't currently have one as I go to sleep very late (I'm an owl) and my husband is a light sleeper, however, I'm going to find a way to get a ritual in. It sounds soothing. I do make a list when I remember and it does help with clarity in the morning.

  4. No rituals here and I kinda fly by the seat of my pants each day. I do love the smell of lavendar and I try to remember to use my Crabtree & Evelyn lavender handcream before bed.

  5. That's a good idea. I suppose writing things down would be an excellent way to keep from dwelling on the to do list. You know it's there an you don't have to remember it all.

  6. There is something about a routine that just winds down the mind ... and I know once I write it down I won't forget - until then I keep running it over in my mind trying not to forget and then I can't sleep!

  7. For me, my evening shower really gets me in "sleepy" mode. The odd time that I don't get to take one, I notice a difference in my calmness when I'm trying to fall asleep.

    I love a soothing scented lotion by the bed too.

  8. I absolutely have to make that list just for my sanity! If I don't, I find that my mind can't calm at night, all it can do is go over and over what needs to be done the next day.

  9. I too write down my to-do list before going to sleep. Or sometimes need to get up and write if I have forgotten because otherwise all those thoughts don't leave me alone.

    I believe that rituals are important in every part of the day because they make us go through life more gracefully!

  10. What a perfect way to clear your head before going to bed! I am so tired by the time I go to bed that I will be totally uninspired and ready to sleep. Maybe that is a good thing (not sure!).

  11. I don't have a routine or ritual, but I find yours inspiring!

  12. I really don't have a ritual but I do try to read a bit before I go to sleep. Since I'm always in front of a computer it is nice to just read to let me mind relax. I usually fall asleep within a half an hour of reading.


Your thoughts and ideas are an important part of the conversation, thanks for sharing!