

Join The Conversation

Join The Conversation is a new series, of community conversations about inspiration, creativity and business. Every new post will have a question and responses from bloggers in our community. Then, you the reader, will have the opportunity to answer the question in the comments. I look forward to having you Join The Conversation!

What do you enjoy most about the creative process?

Val from Miss Val Creations - For me, I enjoy the relaxing feeling that goes along with being creative the most. It is great for maintaining sanity. The days can be filled with stress and craziness and making jewelry feels like my "me time"!


Edi from Memories for Life - I love coming up with new ideas and making them a reality! When I new idea comes together just as I had imagined it, it just makes my day!

These little Owl Earrings are one of those ideas. I engraved the owl before, but never cut it out completely. I just LOVE how these turned out!

Janell from Dancing Mooney - I love to do a variety of things, and am always looking for new ideas. Which means my favorite part of the creative process is often somewhere in the area product development. I get excited when I connect with a new trend, or an idea I've found, that I can't get out of my mind. For me, creating is a journey of exploration, so trying new things, and putting new ideas to the test is always where I am most excited to spend my time.

 I am a visual person, so I love for color inspiration, and searching Pinterest and Google/images for project ideas, once I have something in mind that I'm wanting to explore.


Now it's your turn to answer the question. Share your answer in the comments.


  1. I love when my brain goes 'into the zone' which is the only way I can describe it. When it's the most open to ideas and techniques. I've always said that the creativity is channeling through me from somewhere. Kind of like Lyra reading the aletheometer in 'The Golden Compass'.

  2. What a fun feature! I agree with Edi, my favorite is the thrill of seeing the finished project, seeing all your hard work come together. It's a great feeling :)

  3. Thanks for having me participate Valerie! This is a fun series and I look forward to your next post on this!

  4. Great segment!

    I most love (and hate) when you hit a road block. You know, when something goes so wrong that you just can't continue in the same manor. I love the way frustration fuels creative thought, how it is only in working through these problems that you come up with even better pieces that you had originally planned for!

  5. I enjoy seeing the end result. I have so many ideas and when I actually create something and it turns out the way I wanted it, it's great. Making things really calms my mind. I can think of so many other things while making and designing.

  6. Thank you Valerie for including me. :) I love reading the other responses!

  7. This is fun! I love interactive blogging. =0)
    My favorite part is the brainstorming, because you can come up with so many ideas (often times too many ideas) and then filter through those ideas to get started on one project that might lead to another. Creativity never ends!

  8. I am with you Kim! I am always full of tons of ideas, and you never know where something will lead you!

    But I have to admit, the finished product coming out great, isn't half bad either. :D

  9. As a Historical Costumer, I enjoy the research, gathering of ideas and supplies way more than actually making. I love the pattern drafting that is required.

  10. Thanks for all the shares today! It is great to get to know a little about everyone's creative process.

  11. Getting an idea that's still appealing later, then the actual making--you never know which idea will translate the best. But it doesn't matter, because the simple act of going into the studio and working on something is magical!

  12. This is all fairly new to me, so taking a risk and seeing what happens and then working it out if a new direction will create a better result- this is something I look forward to. So, I guess you could say I enjoy the unknown and the experiment to make something individual and unrepeatable.


Your thoughts and ideas are an important part of the conversation, thanks for sharing!