

DIY Friday - Furniture Re-inspired

You know you have that old piece of furniture that does not work with your decor, but you hang on to it because you might need it someday. Well it might be time to dig it out and give it a new life. Today I have a variety of ideas for turning an old piece of furniture into something new.

I love this idea - An old dresser used as a plant holder. 
Turn an old kitchen cart in to a craft station
Dresser turned kitchen island
Old door turned bookshelf 
Dresser turned buffet
Old file cabinets get a face lift

What have you reinvented for your home?


  1. Fabulous ideas! I love the craft station and the bookshelf made with doors!

  2. I love the old doors turned into a bookshelf!
    I'm currently using an old entertainment center to hold crafting supplies :)

  3. Love that kitchen island - and the colorful file cabinets.

  4. I had a microwave cart that I wanted to make into a beaded art piece. It sat in the garage for years. But when I moved back east I decided to take it with me and it's been pressed into service again in my kitchen!

  5. Fantastic ideas!! I don't think I could pick a favorite since I just love that boho chic look!! I'm always upcycling things, that's just how we roll over at my house :)

  6. Great ideas! I love the bright orange filing fun would that make an office!!

  7. Oh, that old door book case! I use an old stereo cabinet to hold paper crafting supplies.

  8. wow great ideas! sorry I haven't visited in a while, I took a break from blogging, but I'm back!
    hope you're having a great day!

  9. These ideas are all so innovative! I especially love the craft cart.

  10. They're all great ! I like the idea of using something just a little different, such as the dresser turned into a kitchen prep island - very unique and eclectic.
