


                             Source: Uploaded by user via Valerie on Pinterest

Vincent van Gogh described creativity like this in a letter to his brother "It is a feeling of love and enthusiasm for something, and in a direct, simple, passionate, and true way,you try to show this beauty in things to others - by painting it"
360 Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh
While reading the book The Artistic Muse by Betsy Dillard Stroud she said creativity is indescribable, like a silvery pink reflection on a wave at sunrise. In essence, it is a lot like the word sacrament - an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.

Remembrance of things past by Betsy Dillard Stroud
To me creativity is an expression of what you want to share with the world. I believe that everyone is creative in their own way, and we all  choose to express our creativity differently.

What does creativity mean to you?


  1. I like your description :)
    I feel that creativity is living outside of "the box" :)

  2. Beautiful post! To me creativity is when I feel inspired and act on it, like when I create something delicious in the kitchen!

  3. Creativity to me is when I look at something and say, it can be different, and proceed to make it so.

  4. To me creativity is an expression of what you want to share with the world.

    I love that!! That's how I feel about it, too. When I'm feeling creative, I tend to write something - part of a novel, a short story, a poem, something. And most of what I write I like to share with the world. Being creative, for me, is about expressing my thoughts and feelings for the world to see! Like that quote by van Gogh: "you try to show this beauty in things to others". :)

    Great post!

    PS I LOVE that painting by van Gogh!! :D

  5. I love Van Gogh! Creativity is sometimes relaxing, sometimes invigorating. Hard to explain the feeling you get when you are lost in your own creativity.

  6. I love the word creativity ~ it sounds so beautiful and musical to me. To me it is a feeling, expressed outward, sometimes to be shared with others, but other times just because it brings me complete and utter joy. :)


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