
Motivation Monday

I am on my own personal quest to stay motivated everyday.  I have big plans for my business and I am preparing for all the changes.

Sometimes my challenge is staying motivated everyday, and I am always looking for ways to inspire myself to keep moving forward.

Starting in June I am going to have Motivation Monday.  A blog post with inspiring idea and creative ways to stay motivated for your business and your creative life.

I look forward to having you join me on this journey.

What motivates you?

Share your ideas, stories, and inspiration for staying motivated, I may share your story in one of my Monday posts!
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  1. I need that sign! LOL

    Motivation come sin so many forms. I think my best motivation comes from looking through my supplies just browsing the inventory and over the next couple of days things pop into my mind that I can make with them. Since I try to use all my scraps, that's where I concentrate my thoughts.

    Have a wonderful day and if you get a chance, stop by my blog too.


  2. Sounds cool - can't wait, Valerie, I love your blog! :)

  3. Thank you for sharing this, and I look forward to these motivational posts. I can sure use them in times like these!!!

    My motivation is simply having a relaxing routine and fitting it in with my work! A cup of tea, some relaxing music and a comfortable chair. The relaxation helps my mind be creative and ready for a day of work! =)

  4. I've been having motivation issues lately, so I'm excited to see what you come up with. I've been dealing with a lot of 'I just don't feel like it' moods, and I need to figure out how to make myself do things.

  5. Motivation? I'm going to make sure to pay attention to this, then. I have a problem where once I make something a "job" I lack the motivation for it, even if it's something I love. So I try and focus on the people I'm helping through my art, and they motivate me to work my hardest to make them happy.

  6. Sounds like a great plan Valerie, can't wait to see what you have to share. I find I stay motivated by constantly challenging myself with new ideas and plans. Some work... some don't! ;) I also make sure that I create quiet time for myself every day. Morning meditation and some quiet reading time before bed. Both feed my spirit and keep me connected. And when I'm connected the creativity flows and I am effortlessly motivated... usually! ;)

  7. I'll be looking forward to the "Motivation Monday" posts! The thought of being able to work full-time on my creations motivates me. Don't know if it will happen, but it would be amazing!!

  8. great idea, and I will be reading it every week! Lack of motivation has gotten the best of me lately. One thing that got me going today? I said YES to joining a friend at a show this Saturday! I am nowhere near ready to present my things, so that motivated me to get off my butt and organize and create! Tomorrow is getting signs and tags ready, and more creating, Wednesday is more creating, and work on displays, and Thursday is more creating and tagging. Friday is freaking out, creating and tagging, and freaking out some more.

  9. Thanks everyone for sharing your ideas today. Look for some of them in future posts.


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