We all design with a certain style in mind when we create, it may be a style that we use or come back to, that can be used to describe your style of work.
V. Design signature square with gemstone dangle |
Additions signature - tiny hardware to finish off the chain |
Additions signature |
Even if you don't think you have a signature, you can easily come up with an idea and start making it a regular part of your artwork. Lets say you work with rubber stamps, maybe you have one that you use all the time, add it to all your layouts and use it in different ways. If you knit you could finish off a piece with a stitch or knot that you create.
Most of the time you already have a signature, it may just take some time to identify what it is.
What is your signature motif?
With my greeting cards, it's my use of ripped up book pages. I also incorporate book pages into the photos of my maps and blank sketchbooks.
ReplyDeleteFor my maps, they are all done in the same style, and have a certain 'aging' technique that I use.
I really like the hardware stuff-- super cool!
ReplyDeleteI think what makes my stuff different is the making of non-abstract objects in wire wrap, though some of my stuff is just a pretty beaded rings, I find that my most popular pieces are the ones that are a tiny wire sculpture of something, like an animal, fruit, or symbol-- ones that I never see elsewhere in wire.
hmmm this post has me thinking, I will definitely have to look, not sure I have a style signature