
Journal Prompt - Spring Plans

Spring is about opening windows, fresh air, bright sunshine, and spring showers.  It's also the perfect time for thinking about renewal, starting fresh, and making new plans.

Take a few minutes this week and start creating lists.

♦ All the things you love about spring
♦ What you want to accomplish this Spring
♦ Places you want to visit
♦ Things you want to create

Lists are easy for creating a plan.  When you are done you will have an outline of a basic plan for an inspiring and creative Spring season.

What kind of list will you be creating this Spring?

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  1. my list will include working harder on my blog and etsy shop, while at the same time trying to get out of the house and having a life. should be interesting and exciting! :)

  2. I just got addicted to lists since the new year. I write them while waiting for coffee to finish brewing, oddly enough. But I do find my lists cover everything from creative ideas, as they are fresh in the morning, to what bills to pay, to what to add to the grocery list.

    I do think I need to start focusing on the suggestions you have here, tho. Much more fun to think Spring and the great possibilities it brings. :)


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