Plan a Crafty Field Trip
When was the last time you took a day off?
Why not go on a crafty field trip. Getting away from the office, your home or studio is a great way to to get inspired, as well as a nice break from your everyday projects.
You can head out for the whole day or part of the day. Visit a city you have never been to, check out the next town over, or visit a small country town. It does not have to be complicated or expensive, visit someplace you have never seen before or a spot you have driven by hundreds of time.
After you choose your destination, plan out your time. You want to get the most out of the time you have.
Talk to people when you get to your location, sometimes the best finds are off the main drag.
Make sure you know how much you want to spend before you leave, so you can stay on budget. If you don't want to spend any money, then enjoy your time window shopping.
Take your sketchbook with you and fill it with pictures, and ideas. You will be surprised how much you see and how inspired you will be, when you take the time to just enjoy the day.
I do these crafty field trips a couple times a month, and more if possible. Try to make these crafty field trips a regular part of you creative life.
When do you like to go when you need a little inspiration?
Sometimes, just getting away gives us inspiration. We will think of things we can make when we have felt stagnant at home.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea!
My "time off" is on a bus or train, when ideas just seem to come out of nowhere.Scribble down keywords on scraps of paper. I must have the biggest mountain of words written on bus tickets, envelopes, anything handy ever!
ReplyDeleteElizabeth, I love the idea of riding the bus or train for inspiration!
ReplyDeleteCool idea! It reminds me in a way of Julia Cameron's suggestions of artist's date. I like the idea of getting out to see some of the small towns around.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great idea. I always feel happier and more inspired after getting away for awhile, spending some time in a new place!