

Journal Prompt - The Right Direction

Last week while browsing the Etsy Forum, (I lurk more then I participate) I came across a post that posed this question:

What's the Reason Behind Everything You Do?

There was an interesting post written around this question and it's worth checking out.

It really made me think about the goals I set for myself this year and the degree of success I want in my business.

What about you have you thought about the reason behind what you do?  Pull out your goals and journal and answer this question for yourself and make sure you are doing things in your business that are going to take you to where you want to be in life.

1 comment:

  1. That's a very in-depth question. I hope a lot of people are doing some really productive self-evaluating for the coming year :) Thanks for sharing!

    Will Write 4 Food


Your thoughts and ideas are an important part of the conversation, thanks for sharing!