
Dream Facts - Part 2

I can't spend the week talking about rest, relaxation, and sleep, without talking about dreaming. All important things for your creative process. In May I had a post called Dreams full of interesting facts about dreaming.

Today I have a few more interesting facts to share about dreams.

♦One third of our live is spent sleeping. Which means the in an average lifetime you spend about six years of your life dreaming.

♦Studies have shown that your brain waves are more active when you are dreaming than when we are awake.

♦People who are giving up smoking have longer and more intense dreams.

♦If you snore, you cannot dream.

♦Research has shown that the house is the most common setting for dreams.

♦Chocolate in a dream may symbolize that the dreamer feels the need to be rewarded and deserves special treatment.

♦Colors in dreams can be interpreted only in the context of the dreamer’s relationship with that color. For example, the color red may be experienced as love for one person—but for someone else, red may denote blood.

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♦Vitamin B complex (B6) and St. John’s Wort have been shown to produce more vivid dreams.

♦Common dream that transcend cultural and socio-economic boundaries include falling, flying, nakedness in public, and unpreparedness. These shared dreams arise from experiences and anxieties fundamental to all people.

♦In general, pregnant women remember their dreams. This is largely due to the extreme hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Stop by tomorrow and participate in my poll about dreams!

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1 comment:

  1. So interesting! Too bad about the snoring -- if that's true, then my father never dreams :)


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