

Creative Business Quick Tip - Focused Blocks

Everyday we we have our list of things to do and everyday we add new things to the list. Making time for those necessary tasks like answering emails, social networking, planning, and creating it will be easier to work towards you goals.

To fit those important tasks into your schedule create a block of time on your calendar each day to accomplish them. You will be surprised how much you can get done by adding it to your schedule.

Creating focused blocks of time in your schedule will leave you more time to do the things you want to do and to create more, which is always more fun.

Do you schedule time for your everyday tasks?


  1. I schedule appointments and events that I would orget unless I can "see" them on paper.
    For everyday tasks no need's spontaneous ..however, if I see that I don't tend to a chore, I will then write it down again and again until it's gone and done and over with.

  2. Great tip! Thanks for sharing:)

  3. Great tip! Finding it a bit hard with new baby here though... so basically am just try to get to it whenever there is a spare 5 mins here and there! ;)

  4. Too often my blocks runneth over! LOL! I know what you mean tho, good tip!

  5. Violet said it right--the blocks runneth over. Whenever I make a schedule, it never works out, but I keep a daily and weekly to-do list.

  6. I always make a to do list- but never schedule blocks of time to accomplish. I think I might give this a try and see if I can improve my productivity :)

  7. My blocks runneth over as well, but it has really helped to add blocks of time for certain projects to my calendar.

  8. This is a great time management tip! I am an organizing mess. I am going to try this tomorrow. Thanks :)

  9. Great Tip. I do this unintentionally. My blocks of time tend to revolve around when the baby naps. Thanks for making me think.

  10. This is very helpful, great tip! I will be starting to use this!

    <3 Kelly


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