
Your 2009 Success

As the end of the year quickly approaches, you start to think about all the things you did over the past year. You review your goals you set at the beginning of the year, you review your task lists, and it may not seem like you accomplished all that you had planned.

Instead of thinking about what you did not achieve, today I want you to focus on what you have done.

Make a list of your accomplishments for the past year. You don't have to do this all at once, take a few days or even a week and start listing.

When writing your list consider this...

New ways you promoted your business

New skills you learned and mastered

What you did to improve your online presence

People you helped

People you meet

What you tried that was completely new

Any causes you supported

New resources you found

What you did you enhance your work life

Grants/honors/awards you received

Articles written about your work

Once your list is written, give thanks for all the new people you meet, the things you learned and experienced. Take a few moments and be amazed at all the things you accomplished. Go forward knowing that you will be adding to those successes in the year to come.

What's the single best thing that happened to you in 2009?

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  1. Wow! Now that's a great way to look at it... I was beginning to get a bit depressed that the year hadn't been better. But after reading this and mentally answering your list of questions I realized I've had a really good! year... thank you so much!!


Your thoughts and ideas are an important part of the conversation, thanks for sharing!