
Blogging Journal

One inch 3 ring Oil Cloth Covered Binders by rbtbags
Yesterday was the last day of Inspired Success Week, and it was a week full of ideas to create a better blog. Today I want to encourage you to keep a blogging journal.

I use a 3 ring binder with a blogging calendar, my weekly blog plan, and some lined paper to jot down my ideas. I have learned that if I don't write my ideas down right away it's forgotten forever. So when I read something or see something that I want to share on my blog it goes in my blogging journal.

Three Ring Planner Covers set of two linen blue by CrownBindery
Having the ideas written down gives me the opportunity to expand on my ideas, research as needed, and create an outline for my posts.

Sometimes all I have to do is page through my notes and a word or sentence will inspire me and I can sit and write a post off the top of my head.

Chalkboard Notebook & Chalk Binder Notebook by ArtisanPost

Keeping my blogging journal has really helped me save time with the blogging process. Writing a post 5 - 6 days a week can be challenging. My journal is what I use so the process of writing a blog is more of a pleasure then a pain.

Start a blogging journal and see how much time it will save you in your blogging process.

Do you have a blogging journal?

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  1. Great idea, Valerie!
    I usually jot them down on whatever's available including a napkin, but a blogging journal is much nicer!

  2. I should really try this. I get blog ideas all the time, but then when I sit to write, I am un-inspired. I do have some scraps of paper with ideas (from last year!!) and still want to do those, but where are those scraps now? I don't know...lol. Great idea to have a journal for blogs. Might just make me organized...maybe...

  3. I keep ideas on Evernote, but I am also somewhat of a ledite--meaning I fret that the computer app will crash and all my ideas be deleted, so using paper and pen is my trusted back-up plan!

  4. I've always meant to start a notebook or something for my blog ideas. Well, yesterday I finally did! Thanks for the kick I needed to get it started.

  5. I have a notebook for my weekly "to do" lists and I include a page each month for my blog post plans for that month.
